Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Happy Anniversary

14 years! WOW, I can’t believe it’s been 14 years since Gary and I got married. It seems like yesterday he walked in for his first day at work at Officemax in Orem, and I was immediately attracted. I know it was our Heavenly Father’s plan for us to meet. I should not have been working at Officemax. I had graduated and had started my new job in SLC, but I wanted the extra money. Gary was headed somewhere else and decided to stop at Officemax and fill out an application for a job. I’m not sure we would have met otherwise. Anyway, Gary is my best friend and is always there for me no matter what and I am thankful for all that he has done for me. I am thankful for my two children that make our family more complete. I am thankful for the gospel so that I know our family will be together always and forever.

1 comment:

The Queen said...

Aww, happy anniversary! :)